Welfare of dairy animals


                                          FREEDOMS OF WELFARE

           Whenever we start talking about the welfare of an animal ,we always consider on the five basic freedoms.

  • Freedom from fear and distress
  • Freedom from pain, injury, and disease
  • Freedom from from hunger and thirst
  • Freedom from discomfort
  • Freedom to express normal behaviour

    1. Freedom from fear and distress

  1. This objective can be achieved by providing suitable conditions and care, whether on farm, in transit or at the abattoir, which avoid mental suffering.
  2. For instance, staff involved in handling livestock need to be aware of the welfare problems associated with animal handling and understand the behaviour characteristics and likely reactions of the species in question, so that potentially stressful events such as loading/unloading and moving animals can be carried out quietly and calmly.

   2. Freedom from pain, injury, and disease

  1. This objective can be achieved by prevention, rapid diagnosis and treatment.
  2. The design and accomodation for farm animals should be such that a high and regular occurance of injury and disease as a consequence designed facilities is avoided.Stock keeper should be sufficiently skilled and alert to detect injuries and disease early.

   3. Freedom from from hunger and thirst

  1. This objective can be achieved by providing ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor.
  2. Feed must be satisfying, appropirate and safe for the species/age of animals.

   4. Freedom from discomfort

  1. This objective can be achieved by providing appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
  2. The provision of clean, safe, dry bedded lying area should helps to achieve this and space allowances should ensure that all animals have adequate space to lie comfortably, groom themselves, get up and sit down easily without injure to themselves or others.
  3. The design of flooring and unbedded areas along with drainage and manure handling should be such that they do not result in injuries and diseases of the feet.

    5. Freedom to express normal behaviour

  1. By providing sufficient space, proper facility and company of animals of its own kind.
  2. Allowing expression of natural behavior helps to reduce  the occurrence of unnatural, potentially harmful behavior and to improve mental well being.

                                          The good stockman ship

           Stockman ship is a key factor in animal welfare.This requires the acquisition of specific stockman ship skills which may be developed on farm working with an experienced person.
A competent stockman should be able to;
  1. Recognize weather or not the animals are in good health (sign of ill health includes loss of appetite, listlessness, abnormal discharge from nostrils, dribbling, persistent coughing, lameness, swollen joint, scouring, emaciation, abnormal skin conditions).
  2. Understand the significance of a change of behavior of the animals.
  3. Know when veterinary treatment is required.
  4. Implement a planed herd health program.


  1. Housing of animals means the placing of animal in proper position.
  2. To provide shelter and to protect the animal from cold, hot, weather, excessive sunlight, winds, storms, rains and predators. 

                                      ESSENTIAL OF GOOD HOUSING

               Provide good accommodation, be reasonably cool in summer, warm during winter, free        from drafts, protect form wind, provide adequate supply of fresh air & sunshine & remain always dry.
               Includes safeguards against thieves & attack of natural enemies of the birds.
               House should be located near to the market for easily supply.
               Well connected with roads & other modes of transportation.
Soil condition
               Loamy soil should be selected for good drainage.
               Availability of Electricity & Water.
  • Should have enough space for future expansion.
  • To be located in the open space to ensure provides good ventilation.

                                                        GOOD HUSBANDRY.

  • Minimize stress to animals.
  • All farm must have proper handling facility including pens and crush.
  • Good handling facilities also benefit the safety of the personnel involved in handling of the animals.

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Welfare of dairy animals Welfare of dairy animals Reviewed by IMRAN ULLAH GONDAL on August 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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