Downer Cow Syndrome

Downer cow syndrome

It is a disease of exotic or crossbred cows. Downer cow is a cow that wants to rise but does not. Commonly found in high producing animals.

No exact etiology is known but the suggestive causes are
1.  Trauma
2.  Persistent hypocalcemia
3.  Persistent hypophosphatemia
4.  Hypokalaemia
5.  Hypomagnesemia
6.  Muscle and nerve injury
7.  Hepatitis and myocardiosis
8.  Negative energy balance

 Due to the above-mentioned causes animal becomes sternally recumbent. The pressure exerted on muscles leads to compression of blood vessels of muscles which ultimately results in ischemic necrosis. If this condition persists for a long time then bedsores formed which results in septicemia leading to death.

Clinical Signs
Pathognomonic sign is that animal is unable to stand. Other body parameters are normal. At start temperature is normal but at terminal stages it becomes subnormal. Affected animals usually crawl because forelimbs are not affected in this disease. Hind limbs remain flexed and paralyzed. The systemic reactions may flare up the disease. The cow dies due to septicemia and myocarditis.

History of parturition, trauma, muscle, and nerve injury helps in diagnosis. Clinical signs also help in the diagnosis of this disease. In clinical pathology, we found increased muscle enzyme and decreased level of calcium, magnesium, and potassium in the blood.

Differential Diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is necessary from those disease in which animal is in sternal recumbency like in Milk fever, Septic metritis, Rupture of ligament, Vaginitis and Toxaemic conditions.
In downer cow syndrome, there is recumbency with no abnormal physiological parameter. It is a thumb rule that if the animal remains recumbent for 24 hours than it is due to downer cow syndrome.

Give calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium therapy and check the blood mineral status which is very important. Recovery often depends on recumbency management and nursing care. Freshwater is available all the time for the animal. Use of slings to lift the animal upward. Provide soft bedding to the animal. Frequent turning of animal position is also very important. Dextrose therapy should also be given. Vitamin E and selenium help in the regeneration of muscles. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like dexamethasone are also recommended.

If animal remains recumbent for more than 7 days and both hind limbs are laterally deviated than prognosis is poor. If one hind limb is normal and the other has laterally deviated then the prognosis is also poor.

Downer Cow Syndrome Downer Cow Syndrome Reviewed by IMRAN ULLAH GONDAL on April 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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